Envy - Ephemeral_Memories - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

“M-My Lord, shouldn’t we do something?”

“Leave her be. She is reveling in her vengeance. It is a beautiful sight to behold,” Astarion spoke against your ear as he swept your hair away from your neck and pressed soft kisses to your skin. You whimpered against him as you sucked and licked and gleaned every last drop of blood from the meal before you. You were nestled firmly in Astarion’s lap on the ground, your hunger ravenous and insatiable as you peeled back the flesh before you and lapped at the remaining blood on the inside of the Gur hunter’s forearm.

Astarion’s hand dipped inside of the small opening in your silk robe and his fingers smoothed over your stomach in delicate strokes as you savored the sanguine droplets on your tongue with small keens of contentment, “Besides, I do not wish to hear another word from your lips, Odelia. You should be so lucky that Claudine made herself readily available to clean up your mess. The fact that that poor woman had to go traversing the streets in the middle of the night to vet out a proper meal for my love is…quite frankly…unacceptable. If you or your staff have another f*ck up as grandiose as this one, you will have a lot more to worry about than losing your job.”

“My Lord, I did not intend for this to happen!” Odelia shrieked, despite her better judgement, “My staff and I always do our very best to vet potential spawn, I had no idea the duo were Gur hunters. They must have used a spell or some sort of trickery to slip past our defenses. And quite honestly this…” Odelia stepped forward and roughly yanked the dismembered arm of the female Gur hunter from your grasp, “Is entirely disgusting and disturbing…please allow my staff to clean up this mess.”

A loud, rumbling growl tore from your mouth, your eyes narrowing up at Odelia as Astarion’s posture shifted behind you. You could feel the rage rolling off of your lover, his muscles tense and his expression terse beneath your own enraged form, “Hand that back this instant, lest you wish to lose your arm,” Astarion hissed in warning and you watched as Odelia swallowed nervously before she handed over the severed appendage once more and you went back to lapping up whatever blood you could glean from its flesh.

“I believe I told you I did not want to hear another word from your lips,” Astarion noted with a frown, his fingers continuing their circular motions against your stomach, “I do not repeat myself, Odelia. I believe you have vastly overestimated my generosity.”

Odelia made to speak once more but, in an instant, she was summarily thrown against the wall by some unseen force, her body hitting it with a sickening crunch before she crumbled to the ground. Her staff did not move an inch to assist her. You watched with feigned interest as Odelia slowly gathered herself, her expression visibly terrified and pained as she moved to position herself on her knees. She leaned forward, bowing in front of Astarion in a prone posture for several long minutes. The only sound that permeated the atmosphere was the cacophony of noise you made as you continued to tear the Gur hunter’s limbs apart and indulge in your feast. Blood stained your mouth, your robe, your hair, and your flesh, not to mention Astarion’s as well. His white hair was drenched in splatters of blood, but he did not seem to mind at all, instead enthralled and entertained by your savage performance.

“Leave us,” Astarion commanded after several more minutes when he was satisfied that Odelia had prostrated herself before him long enough, “Once Claudine returns, send her directly here.”

“Yes, my Lord,” several murmurs of confirmation flooded the space before the staff dispersed, Odelia limping painfully out of the room behind the rest.

“Are you enjoying yourself, my love?” Astarion spoke adoringly against your ear, his soothing touch sending sparks of electricity through your body.

“Mmm,” you confirmed in your bloodlust-filled haze as you continued to indulge in the crimson pool around you, “But I’m still famished.”

“Soon, my dear,” he responded with an airy tone that belied his countenance, “You understand now why it is important that I have people I can control fully to do my bidding. It is so that sloppy incidents such as this do not happen so early on in my reign. It is a disgrace. It is distasteful and I will not have events such as this transpire and stain my legacy…”

“What will you do about Odelia?”

“I am not wholly incapable of forgiveness, my sweet. She will be granted another chance, but if she fails me again…”

“You will kill her.”


“Why not now? That Gur hunter nearly ended me…”

“Odelia has been loyal in ways you do yet fully understand, my love. I must take that into consideration…”

“In what ways? Prior to a few days ago, I had not even heard of the woman…now suddenly she is your right hand –”

“Absolutely not,” Astarion hissed against your skin, “You are my right hand, love, and you would do well to remember that.”

“Then she is your left –”

“She is…” Astarion trailed off with a sigh, his nose burying against your neck as he inhaled you sharply, your scent bringing him a long, intense wave of comfort, “She does not rank that highly, my dear, but she stood at my side while I planned the beginnings of my reign. She acted in ways that most others wouldn’t have dreamed of –”

“So she killed for you, and that’s what makes her so loyal in your eyes.”

He sighed once more, both of his arms hugging you from behind as he rested his chin on your head and closed his eyes, “If something like this happens again, she is done.”

“Is she part of your inner circle?” You questioned, suddenly remembering that Astarion had brought that particular term up during your unfortunate visit with Wilkin Godwin.

“She is not…I can only entrust my spawn to that group…”

You already have other spawn?!”

“But of course, my dear,” he spoke nonchalantly against your skin, “I needed a trustworthy group to delegate certain tasks to. And each member of that group consented to the transition. They were delighted to join my ranks in such esteemed and prominent positions…”

“You are infuriating,” you hissed violently as you tilted your head to the side to look back at him, “You have kept so many secrets from me…you are keeping so many secrets from me…you –”

“You are on a need-to-know basis, my love. Do not worry that beautiful head of yours with the particulars of my rule. Your only job for now is to enjoy yourself immensely. Delight in your bloodlust, revel in the euphoric pleasures of the flesh, listen to whatever bard in whatever region of Faerûn delights your ears, walk the endless gardens of –”

“Stop it,” the shrillness of your voice was grating as you tossed the Gur hunter’s severed hand back onto the pile of dismembered limbs, “I am not a doll. I am not a plaything to be kept around for your amusem*nt. I want freedom. None of those things will bring me fulfillment. I want to bask in the sun and find adventure in the unexplored parts of Faerûn. I want to visit Gale in Waterdeep and venture to the Astral Plane to watch Lae’zel rule the Githyanki with an iron fist. I want –”

You have not earned those freedoms!” He roared loudly against your ear, the sound deafening and completely drowning out your speech, “Know your place. Know where you belong,” his grip around your waist tightened as his commands rang throughout your head, “You belong at my side as my delightfully obedient spawn. My delicious consort. You are exactly where you were always meant to be.”

His teeth sunk into sensitive stretch of skin at the crook of your neck and an echoing cry of pain left you at the bruising force in which he pierced your flesh. The wail transformed into a reverberating moan as the pleasure soaked into your body and Astarion’s fingers carefully navigated your bare flesh beneath the fabric of your robe. Your head fell back against him, and your eyes gazed blankly at the ceiling as a warm heat crawled through your body. A rush of euphoria enveloped you and caused your thighs to grow slick with moisture as your need leaked out of you.

“M-My Lord…I do not mean to interrupt but…” Astarion’s gaze flickered to the entryway of the room, and he quickly retracted his fangs from your flesh, his tongue darting out to lap up the vermilion droplets from your skin as his attention was drawn away from your argument.

“Perfect timing as always, Claudine. You are a welcome respite from a tiresome argument.”

“I did not mean to intrude while you and our dearest Lady –”

“You are not intruding at all,” you answered quickly and tossed a particularly ferocious glare Astarion’s way. He merely smirked at you in response, “Are they here?”

“They are my Lady,” she responded with a small curtsey, turning her head, and making an ushering motion with her hands. Seconds later, you and Astarion watched with interest as two young adults stumbled into the room and their eyes flooded with bewilderment as they took in the gruesome scene before them.

“Just a moment!” Your voice raised in pitch as you took in the sight of the two men before you, “I know you both. Figaro Pennygood’s sons. Why on earth are you here?”

“We made a deal,” Astarion cut in, waving his hand through the air dismissively at your side, “I give them eternity and allow them to maintain their current position in high society, and in return they keep our family furnished in the finest silks and furs that Faerûn has to offer. Much of your wardrobe is a credit to the Pennygood name, my dear.”

“You are making a mistake,” you warned the two men and watched as they stepped further into the room, finally having gotten over their initial hesitation upon seeing the carnage laid before them.

“Actually, we are not. We are merely cementing our father’s legacy,” the one son explained, looking down at you with a lazy shrug, “Surely you have both heard the rumors about Figaro Pennygood’s sons…” he trailed off with a sigh as both you and Astarion avoided his gaze. Being Balduran, you had both heard the whispers and controversy surrounding the Pennygood family name. Around the time that Figaro’s sons were born, the man himself had had dealings with a hag that did not end particularly well. The hag had placed a curse on the twins that rendered them impotent. A parting gift brought about by the hag’s endless fury.

“Well…I regret to inform you that the rumors are true. And ever since a Bhaal cultist murdered our father in cold blood, we have been looking for ways to secure our legacy. Becoming immortal –”

“Would ensure that your bloodline never dies,” you finished with sudden understanding, “No need for heirs if you can live forever. Which means that the family business can continue flourishing for all of eternity.”

“Precisely. So, you can understand why this is a decision that was not made lightly. Our father entrusted his legacy to us, and what better way to honor him than by ensuring his business is successful long after his death?”

“And would your father have wanted his legacy tainted by two vampire spawn?”

“My Lady –”

“Disregard her entirely,” Astarion instructed as he squeezed your side and you let out a sharp yelp at the action, “That tongue of hers is sharper than the finest of steel.”

“I mean no disrespect, My Lady, but how can you place the burden of judgement upon our shoulders when you sit there in Lord Ancunín’s arms, a vampire spawn yourself?”

I did not choose this fate!” The loud, echoing outburst, filled the ears of the room’s occupants, spurring numerous different reactions, “This fate was chosen for me by the Ascendant.” The twins turned various shades of red, their expressions flickering between shock and embarrassment as they realized the error in their words.

“I regret absolutely nothing,” Astarion confirmed with a shrug as he glanced at his nails and feigned disinterest.

“I know you don’t,” you hissed at him, and another yelp escaped you as he squeezed at your waist once more, “I am begging you to reconsider. Your father would not have wanted this for you.”

“My Lady, with all due respect,” a clear, confident voice rang through the room, and you turned your head in stunned silence as Claudine walked forward steadily until she was standing right before you both. Astarion looked positively delighted by the turn of events, “You need this nourishment, and they are willing. I do not wish to see you fall ill. Neither would our benevolent Lord Ancunín, I am certain. This deal was made long before I was committed to your service and long before you were turned –”

“I thought you said you sent Claudine to track down a proper meal in the middle of the night. This sounds like it was all –”

“Planned well ahead of time? That’s because it was, my Lady. I was told that if there was ever an emergency when it came to your health, we had certain safeguards in place.”


“Deals with both commonfolk and nobility,” Astarion explained as if it were common sense, “Contracts, the terms of which I am starting to collect on.”

“Tonight’s events were entirely unplanned and took us all by surprise,” Claudine attempted to explain as she shyly met your stern gaze, “But the brilliance of Lord Ancunín cannot be denied. He instructed me exactly who to contact to make certain that you were properly fed.”

“And who are we to not fulfill our end of the bargain?” One of Figaro’s sons chimed in as he started to remove his heavy garments so that you had better access to drink from him.

“First of all,” you began with a huff as you focused your fury on Claudine, “You may want to pry those lips from the surface of Astarion’s ass –” a peal of sharp laughter left your lover as he howled in amusem*nt. Claudine looked appropriately embarrassed, her face flushing red with heat.

“Secondly, this was not a contract I was privy to; therefore it is null and void—”

“It would have been null and void, my little love, but you quite frequently forget that you are my spawn now. You are beholden to my decisions, my will.”

“I have not forgotten that absurd reality,” you hissed back at him, your nails digging into his wrist and not bothering him in the slightest, “But the contract was agreed to long before I became a spawn, or did you not hear Claudine just now?”

Claudine audibly gasped, her body tense and filled with fear, “I am sorry, m-my Lord, I…”

“Worry not,” Astarion reassured the woman with a small smile, “The terms of the contract still hold up entirely. It does not matter when you became my spawn, my dear, you are bound regardless. Once you became subservient to my will, all of my decisions – both past and present – impacted you as well. You are bound to me through blood, and in blood you shall feed and restore your strength.”

“Astarion –”

“That is enough,” he cut you off with a sigh as he easily pulled you to your feet and led you to one of the twins, “I believe we have heard more than enough of your complaints for one day.”

His command robbed you of the ability to respond and instead you glowered at him in silence as one of the twins exposed their neck and gently clasped your wrist in his hand, “Please, my Lady. Do not worry about us. This is exactly what we want, and we are not here to betray your trust. You will only find nourishment in the both of us. Please indulge in your cravings, satiate your hunger and drink of us freely.”

“And in return,” the other twin nodded alongside of his brother as he clasped your free wrist in his own hand, “Your master will bless us with the ultimate gift of immortality. You will aid him in the creation of your first spawn, your first children.”

You yanked your wrists away from them both, anger boiling through your blood. Astarion caught your reaction and the corner of his lips curled upwards, “Speak, dearest.”

“He is not my master,” you shot out, despite the fact that his command allowing you to speak only highlighted the horrific fact that he was, “And you are not my spawns. I do not have the power or capability—”

“I am certain he meant symbolically my love, and he is not exactly wrong. You are my consort, and we are creating a family –”

“An army –”

“Of spawn who are loyal to us both and bound to us by blood –”

“They are bound to you—”

“And these are the first two spawn I will create after you have officially become my consort. In a sense, they are your first children, although I fully realize that –”

“I am not going to play mother hen to your spawn. If you think –”

“You are not yet capable of caring for them in the way that I am well equipped to. You are a newly created spawn yourself and you have much to learn about the history of our kind. You will be my star pupil, I suspect, and then one day you will go forward and provide guidance to the rest of our brood.”

“This is some f*cked-up, twisted—”

“I love you too, my dear,” he shushed you with an amused laugh followed by a smoldering kiss as he placed his hand on the small of your back and met your lips in blazing fury.

Your anger was momentarily extinguished by the cold bliss that rushed through you, exhilarating your nerves as his lips brushed against yours before he pulled away and smirked down at you in victory, “It is time to feed. Wouldn’t you agree?”

You huffed up at him, your fists clenching and unclenching with annoyance as you took a deep breath and attempted to still your pulsating anger, “Fine.”

“Fine? I thought you were famished, my sweet.”

“I am not doing this with you right now,” you warned, the flames in your eyes nearly scorching as they burned into his gaze, “When they are nearly spent, pull me away.”

“But of course, beautiful,” he responded with a cheeky smile, his eyes following you closely as you stood on your tiptoes to reach the first of the twins’ necks. Despite Figaro having been a dwarf, their mother must have been some sort of towering humanoid given the twins’ looming height.

The scent of the man before you filled your senses, and you sighed in bliss as you smelled the delicious, robust scent of his blood. Your fangs popped out before you could contain yourself and you immediately plunged them into the man’s neck. A loud groan left his lips, the pain searing into him as if icicles had pierced his neck. You drank hungrily, ravenously - the man’s smoky essence coating your mouth in warm, delicious ecstasy. He began to moan against you, the pain transcending into blissful pleasure as the sensation of you pulling his life’s essence from his body filled him with a deep euphoria. You felt him grow hard against you, his arousal grinding into you as he held you tightly, his hands exploring your flesh curiously. Astarion’s brow raised at the man, but he otherwise said nothing. Given that you were not pushing him away or shuddering from his grasp in disgust, Astarion was content to allow the exploratory touch of the man’s hands to continue.

You moaned against his neck, your eyes closing in bliss as you felt the man’s fingers stroke over the silk of your bathrobe, his touch stirring your nerves and heightening your arousal as his hand swept over your curves in exploration, his palm coming to rest on your ass as he groaned against you. His eyes fluttered open and caught Astarion’s piercing gaze, and he hesitated nervously, wondering if he should pull away from you now that he had been caught.

Astarion shook his head silently at the man, urging him to continue as he stood mere inches away and observed you both passively. You felt the man squeeze at the sensitive flesh beneath him and you moaned loudly as you continued to drain the intoxicating crimson flood before you, your mouth latched firmly onto the man’s flesh. Your mind was reeling, spinning whimsically as your consciousness ascended to heights of euphoria you never knew before, the gnawing hunger pains at the very core of you satiated and fulfilled as your body filled with strength and unending vigor.

You felt the man’s hand slip from your ass and you knew his essence was nearly spent, but you could not stop. Your esurient bloodlust had driven your mind past the point of sanity, and you were now driven by instinct and indulgence alone. Muffled words escaped Astarion’s lips, but your consciousness could not make heads or tails of his commands as you indulged in the delicious ecstasy between your lips. You felt two arms wrap around your waist and a sharp tugging motion pulled you away from the man as you cursed and sputtered and raged in your lover’s grasp.

“That’s enough, my sweet. You can have more in just a moment, but we are not to kill this man, is that clear?”

You howled in fury, your ruby red eyes blazing in the dimness of the room as Astarion carried you through the space and attempted to soothe you. Your sight was unseeing, your lips and fangs dripped with blood, and you gnashed your teeth at the air as if you could attempt to feed from the man through sheer willpower alone. His twin looked startled, even fearful as he watched Claudine quickly take care of the rapidly fading man.

“Lord Astarion…if you do not hurry…”

“I am aware, Claudine, but if I do not take care of her then this is a lost cause anyway.”

“You promised us!” The other twin declared in anger.

“And I have not yet broken that promise!” Astarion shouted furiously in return as he easily subdued your flailing limbs. He whispered a series of words against your ear, and you suddenly fell limp in his arms, completely paralyzed. He spread you over the couch and your eyes gazed up at the ceiling unfocused and dazed, your body prone and completely motionless.

“Give me space!” Astarion commanded and Claudine and the man’s twin immediately backed away from the area so that Astarion could finish the ritual and turn the man into a spawn.

Several long, agonizing minutes of silence stretched onwards until Astarion announced that he was finished and Claudine ushered staff into the room to take the man away, “Where are you taking him?”

“Obviously he must be allowed time to transform,” Astarion explained in annoyance, “We have spare rooms in the cellar for such purposes. Are there any other questions you have about the contract you agreed to and signed in blood?”“My apologies, Lord Ancunín, but this is all new to me. I wasn’t expecting such a…spectacle…”

Newborns can easily succumb to bloodlust and they become nearly impossible to control once that happens,” Astarion elaborated as he moved back towards your paralyzed body, “Unless, of course, you are the Vampire Ascendant,” he whispered several more words against your skin and your eyes roamed around the room before they focused back in on him and you furrowed your brow in confusion.

“What happened?”

“Well, dearest, you got a bit carried away. Luckily for you, I was here to ensure that nothing tragic happened.”

“Where is…?”

“Completing the transformation,” Astarion said simply as he lifted you to your feet and moved you towards the remaining twin, “Let’s finish our meal, shall we, my dear?”

“I’m not hungry anymore…I…”the second you said it, you felt the gnawing, burning hunger throb uncomfortably at your throat, “…how?”

“Oh my dearest love,” he spoke softly against your ear, his palm circling your stomach, “It takes quite a lot of blood to satisfy a newborn. You should feel infinitely better after you’ve finished your meal.”

“How did I lose control…? I didn’t the first time...I...”

“The first time you were allowed to drain your meal to completion,” Astarion explained as you both reached the other twin and he fiddled with the collar of his shirt nervously, “This time, your master interrupted your feeding early. It can cause newborns to enter into a fit of rage spurred on by bloodlust.”

“I…if you do not wish to do this, it’s not too late,” you said in a rush to the man before you but he shook his head in determination.

“I will not allow my brother to head into the next phase of our lives alone. I need to do this.”

“You don’t –”

“My love, must we go through the same song and dance at each and every feeding? Open that beautiful mouth of yours and finish your supper.”

You sighed loudly at Astarion but quickly obeyed his commands. Your mouth latched onto the man’s neck, your teeth sliding into his skin with ease as you drank down the delicious co*cktail that comprised his blood. Despite being twins, both men tasted vastly different. While the first twin tasted smoky, with notes of bourbon and oak gracing your tongue, this twin tasted of spice and fire. Fresh pepper scalded your tongue in delectable flames, your stomach savoring the spicy blend of his essence as it nourished and filled your form. You could feel the burning pangs of hunger dimming within your body, the craving dulling as you drank your fill of the man.

Like his brother, he began to derive pleasure from the experience, his hips bucking against yours as he sought further physical contact. You ground yourself against him, your lips moaning against his flesh as the last dregs of the potion you had consumed earlier caused your need to leak down your inner thighs. Astarion knew how aroused you were, and you felt his fingers dance along your back. It took nearly everything you had not to break away from the man and tell Astarion to f*ck you senselessly. You were torn between the maddening hunger that kept you latched firmly onto the man’s neck and your echoing desire that stirred arousal deep within your loins and had you moving your free hand to palm Astarion’s manhood through the fabric of his pants.

He groaned loudly behind you, almost completely distracted by the feeling of your palm rubbing against him in desperate strokes. It wasn’t until the man before you started to flail his limbs about wildly that Astarion pushed through your distraction and snatched your wrist away. You whined at him in disappointment, your lust-addled mind craving touch and friction beneath your skin. He bristled at you lightly as he pulled you off the struggling man and within minutes you were lying prone on the couch once more.

Similarly to before, Claudine and her staff immediately ushered the man off to complete his transformation away from you and Astarion once again restored your senses. You panted heavily on the couch, looking up at him with wild, unfocused eyes. He watched you carefully, studying your reaction cautiously as you lifted your hand in front of your own gaze and your eyes drifted over your skin in wonder.

You felt drunk and delirious. A euphoric high settling over you as every one of your nerves opened and blossomed, feeling everything around you with an intensity that left you trembling. You sat upright on the couch, the movement so swift and crisp that a surprised gasp tumbled forth from your lips. Your eyes flickered over the details of your environment, your gaze taking in the rich, burgundy pool of bloodstains across the floor. You studied the details of Astarion’s marblelike skin in wonder, your fingers snatching his wrist lightly as you pressed the coolness of his palm against your cheek. He cupped your cheek adoringly, his gaze meeting your own curiously as he watched your movements with rapt attention. His tongue jutted outwards to lick his bottom lip and you pounced.

You rose from your seated position and immediately claimed his tongue between your lips, sucking him into the interior of your mouth, a long, muffled groan escaping him as your fingers worked swiftly to undo the buttons on his pants. You pushed the fabric covering his legs downwards, stripping him of his garments with frenzied movements. His co*ck sprang forth proudly, hard and rigid, your earlier groping in the midst of your bloodlust working him over easily. You licked your lips audibly, your fingers moving to undo the sash of your robe before you let it drop soundlessly to the floor.

You pressed your bare torso against his, your breasts pinned tightly beneath him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him down for a desperate kiss, your lips and tongue yearning to taste every part of him. You drank your fill of him, your tongue roaming lazily over his fangs as you tasted the interior of his mouth with soft whimpers. He tangled his tongue with your own, one of his hands moving to the small of your back as the other cupped the soft, supple flesh of your breast. He squeezed lightly, his thumb moving to graze your piercing and eliciting a soft hiss from your lips into his mouth. You broke away from him, your eyes glazed over and your body and mind drunk in his presence. Your master’s scent, his pheromones enveloped you completely. You needed more.

“I have to taste…” you whispered quietly as your lips suckled along his jaw and you lapped at the cool skin beneath your tongue, “…more…”

“Come here, my sweet,” he urged as he gently clasped your wrist and led you back over to the couch. He seated himself back against the cushions and gently motioned for you to straddle his waist. You did, positioning your legs on either side of him and a quiet moan left you as he glided his co*ck through your soaked folds, your need dripping out of you as you leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his.


“What do you need, my love?”

“You…” you whispered against his lips, your body trembling with need and becoming feverish, “I need you…”

“Then you shall have me,” he responded and an elongated cry left you as he positioned your hips over his and lowered your body onto his length. His hips bucked upwards against your own, his co*ck driving deeper and further into you with each thrust until he seated himself fully inside of you. You cried against his ear, your fingers gripping his locks tightly and your knuckles practically turning white.

“I need to taste…” you moaned again as you started to buck against him slowly, your hips moving of their own accord as you sought more of the delicious friction he afforded you with each thrust, “Please…please Astarion!”“Just a small taste,” he relented, both of his hands holding your hips as he continued to drive blazing fire into the very center of your being. You knew what those words meant. He would not allow you to drink enough to become a true vampire. Not yet anyway. And maybe not ever.

“Just a small taste,” you agreed, moaning into his ear, your breath against his skin causing him to unleash a deep groan as he continued to thrust up into you.

“Alright my little love,” he coaxed soothingly as his hand slid up the length of your body and he tilted his head to the side. You could not help but notice that he chose the side devoid of his bite scars from Cazador, “Just a small taste.”

Your lips planted supple, burning kisses to his flesh, your tongue darting out to lick at the skin presented to you. You supped of him greedily, your mouth suctioning to his flesh as you rocked your hips against him and moaned wantonly against his skin. Your fangs popped out with a soft click and your hands roamed the length of his torso before you buried one back into his locks and held his head in place. Your lips brushed his ear, and you felt his co*ck twitch wildly between your walls, “I love you,” you murmured against him before burying your teeth into his flesh.

He let out a guttural cry, his arms tightening around you as he sped up his pace and drove feverish thrusts inside of you: your walls clenching around him with a snugness that made him shiver. You pulled at his essence with careful movements, the cold, refreshing taste of rosemary, bergamot and aged brandy gracing your lips and tongue in a delightful co*cktail. He tasted absolutely divine, the most delicious wine to ever bless your mouth and satiate your body. You keened against him, pure bliss radiating throughout your body as his essence trickled down your throat and your hips moved furiously against his own. His co*ck ploughed into you with frenzied movement, his hands sliding up your back and his nails scraping along your flesh as groans of bliss tumbled from deep within his chest.

“That is enough, my dear,” he murmured quietly and you broke away from him with a disappointed sigh, your tongue lapping at the tiny sanguine droplets that splashed across his skin, “Don’t act so disappointed, love. I did allow you a taste, did I not?”

“Mmm…” you whimpered against him in agreement, your tongue sweeping over the tiny wound you had created once more, as if you could somehow will more of his essence to trickle out, “Thank you.”

“You are the only one who will ever have such a distinct honor,” he declared as he moved his arms around you once more and bounced your body up and down his co*ck. A long moan left you as you threw your head back and savored the electrifying feeling of his co*ck deep inside of you. Your breasts bounced freely in the air as you continued to ride him, noises of deep bliss passing through the air between the two of you as you neared the pinnacle of your culminating pleasure.

“A...Astarion…” you bit out breathlessly, your hand moving to grip his shoulder tightly to steady yourself as you rode him deep, his hips moving perfectly in tandem with your own.

“Just a bit more, my love,” he groaned as he shifted your body and easily used his strength to plough into you hard, his co*ck pounding against your insides and making you see stars above you as the beginnings of your org*sm started to wash over you. You cried out raucously, your nails piercing his skin hard as your climax crashed over you and enveloped your senses. He followed soon after, his seed flooding your walls as a groan signified his own release. You continued to ride him mindlessly, your hips bucking wildly against him as your sweat-covered body fell against his torso and the aftershocks of your pleasure coursed through your body.

But it wasn’t enough. You were still burning with arousal.

“A…Astarion…I’m…” you trailed off and then your eyes widened as you realized Astarion was still painfully hard as well. You continued to mindlessly buck against him, your body, and limbs tired and weak but moving on autopilot.

“The potion…” Astarion murmured as he repositioned your body so that he was supporting more of your tired frame, “Just a bit more, my dear, and it should be out of your system.”


“Here, allow me to assist,” came a new voice and you nearly shrieked as you realized Claudine was in the room. Astarion chuckled at your expression, his fingers roaming through your hair soothingly as you turned your head slightly to take in sight of the normally quiet and reserved woman.

An audible gasp left you as you realized Claudine was completely nude with the exception of something strapped around her waist that would have made you blush fiercely had you still had the ability to blush, “What are you doing?”

“Ah! My Lady…is it…is it too much? I can leave, I –”

“You will do no such thing,” Astarion admonished as he picked up his pace and continued to thrust up into you once more. Unbelievably, you found your arousal growing again and quiet moans left you as the friction turned your insides into liquid heat, “Come here, Claudine. Prepare her carefully.”

“Y-Yes, my Lord.”

“How long have you been here?” You demanded heatedly, your anger and embarrassment somewhat eclipsed by the feeling of Astarion’s co*ck pumping into you.

“Long enough for her to completely remove her clothes and clip a strap-on around her waist,” Astarion noted with a smirk as he bounced your heated body up and down his length and your gaze bore into his angrily, “Oh don’t be so annoyed, my love. You were quite busy in the throes of your pleasure; I was not about to ruin the experience by announcing the presence of another.”

“What are you doing?” You demanded again as Claudine pressed her torso to your back and you could feel the plastic from the thing around her waist digging into the small of your back.

“As if you do not already know,” Astarion bristled lightly at you, his thumb sweeping over your lower lip, “Claudine deserves a treat too, my love. She behaved very well this evening.”

“How is shoving a dild* up my ass a treat?” You screeched abruptly, causing Astarion to laugh furiously before you, his demeanor nearly maniacal in his amusem*nt. He leaned forward and pressed a cool kiss to your temple, his fingers grazing your buds slowly and producing a shuddering sigh from your lips.

“You will enjoy it, my dear. Do not be so dramatic.”

“My lady…if you truly do not wish…”

“What is in it for you, Claudine?” You questioned curiously as the woman raked her nails along your back and began to soothingly stroke your hair. The movement instantly caused you to turn into putty in her hands, your muscles feeling relaxed and tingling with sensation, despite the soreness between your thighs.

The question also caught Astarion’s attention, who was now staring at Claudine intensely and causing the woman to grow more nervous by the second, “My Lady…I cannot deny that I have a certain attraction to you. I wish to care for you and only want to see your happiness. If I can play even a small role in your enjoyment…your bliss…then I…”

“No further explanation is needed Claudine,” Astarion hummed, seemingly content with her answer, “If this is what you want, then –”

“Speak for yourself,” you snapped abruptly, your eyes darting to his in annoyance, “Claudine if you are feeling pressured into doing this because of something that Astarion said –”

“That is not the case at all, my Lady! He did not ask me to do this, I swear it. I swear it on the lives of my family and –”

“Alright, alright,” you sighed reluctantly as you rocked back and forth in Astarion’s lap. His gaze was burning into yours and you looked at him questioningly.

“Because of something that I said?”

“It’s a possibility,” you shrugged, causing him to huff before he motioned Claudine closer.

“My Lady, please suck thoroughly,” Claudine requested as her fingers suddenly appeared before your mouth.


“Well, my dear, do you want her to take you raw? It will be quite excruciating.”

Your mouth fell agape in disbelief for several moments before you sighed in defeat and watched as the corner of Astarion’s mouth twitched upwards. You glared at him dramatically before you carefully sucked Claudine’s fingers into your mouth, rolling your tongue around her skin and coating the digits thoroughly in your saliva before she pulled them out and gently kissed the top of your head from behind.

“Please relax, my Lady, this might feel…a bit odd…”

“You think?” You shot back sarcastically, earning Astarion’s ire. A needy moan escaped your lips as Astarion’s hand slipped between your thighs and his thumb found your aching cl*t. He began to circle the swollen organ delicately, touching you in the exact way that only he knew how. The exact manner that heightened your pleasure and nearly made you fall apart around him. He was so skillful at distracting you that you didn’t even notice Claudine’s fingers probing at the tight ring of muscle at your back door until she slid one digit inside of you up to her knuckle.

You cried out instantly, the intrusion entirely uncomfortable and causing you to react instinctively. You moved your hands almost immediately, but Astarion’s reflexes were much faster than your own. He snatched both of your hands and pulled you more tightly against his torso, “Do not interfere,” he commanded, and both of your arms dropped limply to your sides, “Just relax, beautiful. The discomfort will fade and then it will feel quite enjoyable,” his fingers returned to your cl*t, and you bit back a pitiful moan as you pressed your face tightly against his torso, “Claudine, a bit faster, dear, if you would. This is unfamiliar to her and the quicker we work through her discomfort, the sooner we can provide her with endless bliss.”

“Of course, my Lord,” Claudine smiled apologetically as she inserted a second finger into you from behind. You let out a series of muffled curses against Astarion’s skin as Claudine began to scissor her fingers inside of you, pushing against your walls and expanding them and sending small shocks of pain throughout your body.

But Astarion was ever the diligent one and he quickly worked his fingers over your cl*t, touching you in ways that nearly drove you mad with lust. You shuddered against him, the pleasure in your swelling cl*t outweighing the uncomfortable intrusion from behind. He continued to distract you expertly as Claudine managed to enter three fingers into you from behind and open you up slowly. You panted heavily against Astarion’s skin, the bucking motion from his hips driving blazing heat through your form. You felt Claudine stop all movement and you searched Astarion’s eyes questioningly as the woman left her three fingers inside of you.

“My Lord, I am ready…”

“Not unless you have coated that thoroughly with lube,” Astarion countered pointedly and Claudine nearly shrieked as she abruptly pulled her fingers out of you and disappeared in the back of the room. You heard cabinets opening and closing and within a few seconds, Claudine returned to stand behind you.

“My sincerest apologies.”

Astarion merely shook his head in amusem*nt, “Go ahead, Claudine. Ease in gently,” he warned, a dangerous glint in his eyes, “If you cause her any intense pain, I will have your head.”

“I-I will be gentle…”

“Astarion…” you warned, your teeth grinding together as your lead-filled limbs hung uselessly at your sides, “I am going to need a much more intense distraction.”

“But of course, my love,” he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He motioned for Claudine to begin, and a loud cry of pleasure escaped you as he slid a finger down your spine and a warm rush of euphoria flooded your very being, his will and influence falling over you and turning your insides to molten lava. Another cry escaped you as Claudine pushed into you from behind, gently easing the dild* inside of you inch-by-inch.

“Are you in pain, my love?”

“N-No…” you bit out weakly, your hips continuing to ride Astarion into oblivion despite your obvious weakness, “It’s just uncomfortable.”

“Continue,” Astarion urged Claudine as his fingers returned to your cl*t once more and he increased the sensation of euphoria spreading through your body. Claudine hesitated for the briefest of moments before she continued to push into you. Within several seconds, she was fully seated inside of you, and you could feel her hips resting against yours from behind. She ceased all movement and waited for further instruction from Astarion.

“Give her some time to adjust,” Astarion demanded as he readjusted himself around you and gained better leverage to continue fulfilling your needs. Once he was comfortable and he studied the relieved expression on your own face, he nodded at Claudine, “You can move.”

You moaned quietly as both Astarion and Claudine started to thrust inside of you simultaneously, their hips moving in tandem as they sandwiched you between them. Louder moans fell from your mouth as you moved your head to rest back against Claudine’s shoulder, your hips bucking in synchronous motion between your two lovers. Claudine’s lips found purchase on your temple, and she pressed a chaste peck to your skin.

“Astarion…” you murmured heatedly between echoing moans as both of them increased their pace inside of you and had you bucking wildly between them, “I need…my hands…”

“Ah,” Astarion groaned loudly, his rigid co*ck twitching between your walls as he continued to meet Claudine’s thrusts inside of you, driving you absolutely mad with lust, “Of course, my love…go right ahead…”

A shuddering cry of ecstasy left you as you dug your fingers into Astarion’s hair and pulled his mouth flush against your neck. He realized what you wanted almost instantly and without hesitation he plunged his fangs into your neck, sounds of bliss radiating against his ear and signifying your satisfaction with the action. Your other hand moved to pull Claudine down into a heated kiss, your lips crashing together effortlessly as your body writhed and twisted and convulsed between them both. Your moans and cries increased in pitch and your fingers twisted tightly around Astarion’s locks as you lost yourself to the flood of your second climax.

Your body shuddered against both of your partners as your juices shot out of you and mixed with Astarion’s seed, his second org*sm rocketing through him as he drank down your essence and bottomed out inside of you, flooding your womb with his heated release. Judging by the echoing noises Claudine made behind you, it would seem she had achieved some sort of release as well and you were nearly overjoyed as she pulled out of you, the plastic dild* slipping out with little effort and expelling a sigh of relief from your lungs. Astarion fell limp within your walls, and he pulled out of both your neck and inside of you simultaneously, his lips moving to kiss your temple repeatedly as he supported your tired frame. A small whimper of protest escaped you as he swept you into his arms, bridal-style, and he nodded at Claudine.

“Come along, Claudine.”

“My Lord?”

“It is time for the unruly Lady of our manor to rest. I dare say she would appreciate both of us warming her bed for the night.”

You aren’t warm,” you protested weakly with a yawn as the three of you made your way to the master bedroom.

Astarion chuckled at that as he tucked you into the sheets and pulled your back flush against his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist from behind as he nodded at Claudine. The woman got into bed on your other side, and you were surprised when she daringly wrapped her arms around you from the front, cocooning you in between Astarion and herself.

“Just remember, Claudine. You can play with her all you want, but at the end of the day, she is mine.”

Envy - Ephemeral_Memories - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.